Third Views, Second Sights, book and DVD (for Windows and Mac): Here's a YouTube video (3:00 minutes) that takes you on a whirlwind tour of a small portion of the material on the interactive DVD. There are interactive rephotographs with a "Time Reveal" window, animated walk-arounds that connect different sites known through historic photographs, panoramas that show the context for the rephotographic sets, interpretive photographs, collected artifacts, audio interviews, interpretive site notes, and more.
ABOUT THE PROJECT: Third View project participants (Mark Klett, Kyle Bajakian, William Fox, Michael Marshall, Toshi Ueshina, and Byron Wolfe) revisited the sites of historic western American landscape photographs. We made new photographs, kept a field diary of our travels, and collected collateral materials useful in interpreting the scenes.
The project began in 1997 and completed fieldwork in the year 2000. Over the course of four years we revisited 109 historic landscape sites, all subjects of nineteenth-century American western survey photographs. The project’s "rephotographs" were made from the vantage point of original views with as much precision as possible. Every attempt was also made to duplicate the original photographs' lighting conditions, both in time of day and year. Third View was created specifically to investigate landscape sites and to consider changes in landscape, history, culture, aesthetics, technology, representation, and perception.
THE THIRD VIEW WEB SITE: The web site (now defunct) had animated rephotography of 19th century landscape photographs, downloadable pdfs of rephotographed sites, fieldnotes, and a bibliograpy. There was also an interactive simulation that describes the basic methodology for making a rephotograph.